Wu Wei - Lesson One


Wu Wei - Lesson one

Embrace the flow of life.

Nature doesn't resist. It's simply flowing. This is the flow of Life.


Going with the flow isn't about passivity or indifference.

Going with the flow is about actively engaging with the world around us and within us, recognizing and respecting the natural currents of life.

Right Path:

Going with the flow is about choosing the path of least resistance, not out of laziness or a desire to evade difficulty, but from a deep understanding of the inherent rhythms of nature and our own nature.

It's not go against.

Go against expending a lot of energy for a little progress.

Rather going to the flow is using the energy to guide me forward with ease and efficiency.

Recognizing the Against.

Imagine, you working on a project that's hitting roadblocks.

Despite your best efforts.

Wu Wei suggests stepping back to reassess and realign your approach, mirroring the way you'd navigate the STREAM.

It could mean finding a different, more effective path or acknowledging that patience is needed.

Just like the STREAM, 

life has its currency

and learning to Flow with them turns obstacles into guiding forces.

Wu Wei offers guidance
when I let go of who I am, I become what I might be.

We aren't bound by our past actions, behaviors, or identities but can choose to evolve, adapt, and align with the natural flow of life at any moment.

Wu Wei is about aligning our efforts with the natural course of things, allowing us to move forward with more grace, efficiency, and peace.
